• O. N. Domashenko State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M.Gorki Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk, Ukraine
  • S. G. Tiumentseva State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M.Gorki Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk, Ukraine
  • А. N. Kolesnikov State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M.Gorki Donetsk National Medical University», Donetsk, Ukraine
  • M. N. Snegina Donetsk Clinical Territorial Medical Association, Donetsk, Ukraine
  • A. V. Bilichenko Donetsk Clinical Territorial Medical Association, Donetsk, Ukraine
Keywords: Hepatitis E virus, hepatic encephalopathy, treatment


The article covers the case of HEV with clearly marked clinical manifestations in a 25-year-old non pregnant woman resident in non-endemic region without bad habits and chronic somatic diseases. The case has been confirmed by the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies against HEV. Viral hepatitises А, В, С, D, G have been ruled out by laboratory test results (АТ–IgM HAV, HBsAg, AT–IgM HBcAg, DNA HBV, AT HCV cumulative, RNA HCV, RNA HDV, RNA HGV are not detected), as well as Wilson’s disease, toxic and autoimmune hepatitises. On the 35th day, severe progression of the disease was aggravated by hepatic encephalopathy grade IV. This patient’s combination therapy is characterized by absence of glucocorticosteroids in the course of treatment and by four plasmapheresis treatment sessions that were effective despite marked coagulopathy.


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How to Cite
Domashenko ON, Tiumentseva SG, KolesnikovАN, Snegina MN, Bilichenko AV. ACUTE HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY IN A FEMALE PATIENT WITH HEPATITIS E VIRUS WITH A FAVOURABLE TREATMENT OUTCOME: A CASE REPORT. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Jun.6 [cited 2024Jul.3];3(1):99-102. Available from:
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