• D. A. Evseenko Gomel State Medical University
  • Z. A. Dundarov Gomel State Medical University
  • E. A. Nadyrov Gomel State Medical University
  • V. M. Mayorov Gomel Regional Specialized Clinical Hospital,
Keywords: liver cirrhosis, acute blood loss, antioxidant activity of blood serum, blebbing of the cell wall of lymphocytes


Background. In patients with cirrhosis, acute bleeding leads to the development of oxidative stress. These patients need correction of antioxidant status disorders through the combined use of antioxidant complexes in order to prevent the development of multiple organ failure syndrome. Objective – to give a comprehensive assessment of antioxidant therapy effectiveness in cirrhotic patients with acute blood loss. Material and methods. A total of 92 patients were included in the study. The first series of studies (Σn = 59) included healthy patients and patients with liver cirrhosis and severe acute blood loss, who were treated in accordance with clinical protocols. The second series of studies (Σn = 51) involved patients with severe liver cirrhosis and severe blood loss who underwent therapy in accordance with clinical protocols, as well as correction of antioxidant status disorders using combined intravenous administration of «Reamberin» and «Fluimucil» drugs after 24 and 48 hours from the time of admission to the hospital. The control group (comparison group) consisted of healthy individuals (n = 18). A study was conducted on the blebbing of the cell wall of lymphocytes, the state of antioxidant status, the levels of uric acid, blood serum urea, the levels of red blood cell indices, hemoglobin. The data obtained were compared among themselves in series of studies, their groups. Results. The therapy in accordance with the clinical protocols of diagnosis and treatment does not lead to the proper correction of antioxidant status disorders of patients with cirrhosis and acute blood loss and is characterized by prooxidant activity of blood serum, as well as a high percentage of lymphocyte blebbing index. Combined intravenous administration of the «Reamberin» and «Fluimucil» antioxidant complexes to patients with cirrhosis and acute blood loss leads to the formation of pronounced antioxidant activity in blood serum, a decrease in the lymphocyte blebbing index, an increase in uric acid level, and a decrease in urea level. Conclusions. Combined intravenous administration of «Reamberin» and «Fluimucil» solutions is able to compensate fully for free radical imbalance in the blood serum of patients with cirrhosis complicated by acute blood loss, which reduces the risk of multiple organ failure syndrome. The blood serum of these patients is characterized by pronounced antioxidant activity and, as a result, minimal manifestations of blebbing of the cell wall of lymphocytes.


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How to Cite
Evseenko DA, Dundarov ZA, Nadyrov EA, Mayorov VM. COMPREHENSIVE ESSESSMENT OF ANTIOXIDANT THERAPY EFFECTIVENESS IN CIRRHOTIC PATIENTS WITH ACUTE BLEEDING. journalHandG [Internet]. 2020Jun.3 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(1):68-5. Available from:
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