• G. M. Jeenalieva Jalal-Abad regional hospital,
  • A. K. Kanatbekova Kyrgyz - Russian Slavic University
  • М. М Abdikerimova Kyrgyz - Russian Slavic University
  • М. М Abdikerimov Kyrgyz - Russian Slavic University
  • S. Т. Zholdoshev Osh State University
Keywords: chronic hepatitis C, pulmonary tuberculosis, clinical manifestations, biochemical parameters


Background. Tuberculosis when combined with parenteral viral hepatitis is a major medical and social concern for public health worldwide due to the widespread prevalence of these diseases, resulting in large economic costs associated with chronicity of the infections, the development of formidable complications and adverse outcomes. Objective – to determine clinical and laboratory characteristics of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Material and methods. The paper presents the results of a comprehensive examination and dynamic observation of 69 patients co-infected with both chronic hepatitis C and pulmonary tuberculosis, whose average age was 43.8±4.22 years. Results. Clinical course of CHC in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by latent state in 97.1±2.0% of patients with mild clinical manifestations. The most common manifestation was asthenovegetative syndrome (92.7±3.0%) due to tuberculous intoxication. The concomitant tuberculous process influenced the dynamics of biochemical parameters, more significant deviations being observed after 3 months of anti-tuberculosis therapy (p<0.05). Conclusions. The accompanying tuberculous process adversely affects clinical and laboratory parameters in the natural history of chronic hepatitis C.


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How to Cite
Jeenalieva GM, Kanatbekova AK, Abdikerimova ММ, AbdikerimovММ, ZholdoshevSТ. CLINICAL AND LABORATORY CHARACTERISTICS OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS C IN PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2020Jun.3 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(1):76-0. Available from:
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