• Ya. Novogrodskaya Grodno State Medical University
  • A. Astrowskaja Grodno State Medical University
  • R. Kravchuk Grodno State Medical University
  • Ye. Doroshenko Grodno State Medical University
  • I. Huliai Grodno State Medical University
  • A. Aleschyk Grodno State Medical University
  • S. Shalesnaja Grodno State Medical University
  • M. Kurbat Grodno State Medical University
Keywords: liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, experiment, rats, thioacetamide


Background. The methods used in modelling of toxic liver damage are not always suitable for cirrhosis modelling, due to high mortality rate of experimental animals and poorly reproducible biochemical and morphological manifestations. Objective – to elaborate an experimental model of liver damage in rats, describe morphological changes in the liver as well as biochemical parameters revealing free radical processes and the state of antioxidant protection system in blood plasma of rats after prolonged administration of thioacetamide (ТАА). Material and methods. Rat liver damage was produced by TAA administration (200 mg/kg every other day, for 1 and for 3 months). The liver was subject to histological examination (hematoxylin-eosin and Mallory staining). The following biochemical parameters of blood plasma were determined: the activity of catalase, the content of malonic dialdehyde, diene/triene conjugates, and ceruloplasmin. Results. Long administration of TAA for 1 month induced the morphological picture of toxic hepatitis, for 3 months - the micronodular liver cirrhosis characterized by pronounced fibrosis with rearrangement of lobular structure of the liver. Cirrhosis was also accompanied by changes in indices of free radical processes and antioxidant protection. Conclusions. 3-month intake of ТАА in the dose of 200 mg/kg every other day can be used for the reproduction of liver cirrhosis in rats. The latter is accompanied by elevation of plasma content of diene/triene conjugates and the activity of catalase, decrease of the level of ceruloplasmin, the malonic dialdehyde level being unchanged.


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How to Cite
Novogrodskaya Y, Astrowskaja A, Kravchuk R, Doroshenko Y, Huliai I, Aleschyk A, Shalesnaja S, Kurbat M. THE METHOD OF MODELLING OF EXPERIMENTAL THIOACETAMIDE LIVER DAMAGE IN RATS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2020Jun.4 [cited 2025Mar.7];4(1):90-5. Available from:
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