• A. A. Dzemova Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation; Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation
  • R. A. Ganchenko Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation
  • G. F. Trifonova Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation
  • E. V. Esaulenko Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation; Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Saint Petersburg, the Russian Federation
Keywords: chronic viral hepatitis C, WHO strategy, prevalence, incidence


Background. Five years have passed since the adoption of the strategy for the elimination of viral hepatitis. It is necessary to take stock of the first results. Objective – to assess the dynamics of the epidemic process of CHC and the clinical manifestations of the disease during the period of 2015-2019. Material and methods. The article analyzes the data from the state statistical reporting of infectious diseases in the Russian Federation (RF), from the reference-center for the monitoring of viral hepatitis, from statistical tables compiled at Methodological and Research Center for Epidemiological Surveillance of Viral Hepatitis under Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. The data from the Federal register of patients with viral hepatitis were used. The article analyzes our own experience of observing 555 patients with HCV at different stages of the disease. Results. In 2015–2019, CHC incidence in the RF decreased by 20% (30,90/0000- in 2019, 38,00/0000– in 2015). The total number of people with CHC is increasing (in 2015 – 562 622 people, in 2019 – 635372). It is estimated that only 20% of those infected are under surveillance. The death rate from CHC remains high. The proportion of patients with an advanced stage of CHC is about 20%. The proportion of decompensated cirrhosis decreased by 8%. In recent years, government funding for the treatment has increased, but only about 8% of all registered CHC patients are covered by the therapy. Conclusions. In the RF the WHO strategy targets have not been achieved by 2020. That’s why it’s important to develop a strategy to counter the spread of HCV for the period up to 2030.


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How to Cite
Dzemova AA, Ganchenko RA, Trifonova GF, Esaulenko EV. CHRONIC HEPATITIS C IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AFTER STARTING THE HCV ELIMINATION PROGRAM. journalHandG [Internet]. 2021Jan.13 [cited 2024Dec.19];4(2):165-70. Available from:
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