Keywords: photolon, photodynamic therapy, photosensitizer, liver, endocholedocheal administration, common bile duct.


Background. Photodynamic therapy of liver diseases involves the introduction of photosensitizers into the common bile duct. Objective – to evaluate the effect on animals of under pressure introduction of the photosensitizer “Photolon” into the common bile duct. Material and methods. The control group was injected with physiological solution under pressure, the experimental one – with “Photolon”. The vital signs of the animals, the laboratory data were studied, a histological examination of the liver and duct was carried out. Results. The blood parameters of the experimental animals and their postoperative condition were not statistically different from those of the control group (p≤0.05). The liver and common bile duct had normal histological structure. Conclusions. The under pressure introduction of the photosensitizer “Photolon” into the common bile duct causes no morphological changes in the liver tissues and common bile duct and has no toxic effect on animals.


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How to Cite
Shyla RS. THE INTRODUCTION OF THE PHOTOSENSITIZER “FOTOLON” INTO THE COMMON BILE DUCT: INFLUENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2021Jan.13 [cited 2024Jul.3];4(2):189-95. Available from:
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