• V. M. Tsyrkunov Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University»
  • N. I. Prokopchik Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»
  • V. P. Andreev Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»
  • R. I. Kravchuk Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»
Keywords: liver, diagnostics, biopsy, morphology, dystrophy


Background. Dystrophy (dys – disturbance, trophe – nourish) – morphological changes characterizing disorders of tissue and cellular metabolism, leading to structural changes.
Objective. To present the morphological signs of the most common dystrophies of the liver according to the results of biopsy and sectional material study.
Material and methods. Liver biopsy samples were obtained by performing aspiration liver biopsy in patients with chronic viral, alcoholic, toxic and metabolic liver lesions, from which a written informed consent had been received. The methods of visualization were used: electron light microscopy, including the investigation of semi-thin sections, various methods of fixation and coloring.
Results. The main types of liver dystrophies (parenchymatous – dysproteinosis or protein dystrophies: granular, hydrophilic, hyaline-droplet, lipodystrophies – acquired, hereditary, carbohydrate dystrophies – acquired, hereditary, mesenchymal or stromal – vascular – hyalinosis, amyloidosis and mixed – hemochromatosis, lipofuscinosis) and their morphological characteristics are presented.
Conclusion. Morphological study of liver biopsy samples with simultaneous application of various methods of visualization of changes in the liver enables to improve the quality of diagnostics and differential diagnostics of different types of dystrophies at different stages of development.


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How to Cite
Tsyrkunov VM, Prokopchik NI, Andreev VP, Kravchuk RI. CLINICAL MORPHOLOGY OF LIVER: DYSTROPHIES. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.5 [cited 2024Jul.3];1(2):140-51. Available from:
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