Background. Maternal cholestasis of pregnancy was found to have a negative effect on the kidney structure of firstgeneration offspring. It is not known whether changes in the urinary system will occur in second-generation offspring. Objective. To establish the peculiarities of kidney development in second-generation offspring from rats with cholestasis of pregnancy. Material and methods. Second generation 15-, 45- and 90 day-old rats born from males and females developed in maternal cholestasis. Surgical, somatometric, histological, morphometric and statistical methods of research were used in the experiment. Results. Maternal cholestasis induced on the 17th day of pregnancy leads to structural changes in the kidneys of second-generation offspring. These changes include a decrease in the weight of kidneys of experimental animals, a decrease in the width of their cortical substance, a decrease in the diameter of convoluted proximal and distal tubules of nephrons and the development of structural abnormalities in the epitheliocytes of tubule sections. Hypoplastic changes in renal nephrons persist up to 90 days of postnatal development of animals. Conclusions. Maternal cholestasis induces hypoplastic abnormalities in the kidneys of second-generation rats.
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