Background. Acute pancreatitis remains to be a challenge in emergency abdominal surgery. Severe forms of the disease have a number of complications associated with high mortality. There is a need for a thorough study of the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis and its adequate pathomorphological assessment, first of all, in an experiment for the purpose of testing new therapeutic approaches. Objective. To assess pathomorphological changes in the pancreas and its surrounding tissues in experimental acute destructive pancreatitis (ADP) and to identify 4 categories of changes most specific for destructive pancreatitis. Material and methods. The experiment was performed on 54 rats. A special table was developed that includes 4 categories of pathomorphological changes and parameter assessment tool based on the visual analogue principle (VAP). Further statistical processing of data between the studied groups was performed. Results. Control group 1 is characterized by the absence of mortality and minimal pathomorphological changes, reflecting the response of the pancreas to the surgery. Group 2 is characterized by minimal mortality (16.67%), moderately increased indexes of necrosis, of circulatory disorders, of inflammation (up to the fourth day) as well as that of repair (by the eighth day), these parameters corresponding to ADP of moderate severity. In group 3, there is a high mortality rate (66.66%), a high index of necrosis with slight indexes of circulatory disorders and of inflammation (on the fourth day), as well as a low repair index (on the eighth day). This group is characterized by severe ADP. Conclusion. Administration of 10% detergent solution results in ADP of moderate severity. Administration of a 20% detergent solution causes severe ADP. The proposed table of pathomorphological assessment alongside with the mortality rate allow us to assess the severity of experimental acute destructive pancreatitis in rats.
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