• N. B. Tabynbaev Joint Stock Company «National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • B. R. Amanzholov Joint Stock Company «National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • A. Zh. Ismailov Joint Stock Company «National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • A. T. Ualikhanov Joint Stock Company «National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • E. K. Sarsebekov Joint Stock Company «National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Zh. D. Zhumagazin Joint Stock Company "National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation"
Keywords: Helicоbacter pylori, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, biopsy, pathology of gastric mucosa


Background. H. рylori is known to be one of the causes of stomach diseases. About 30% of the adult population in Europe and more than 90% of the population in developing countries are the carriers of this bacterium. The methods of diagnosis and indications for treatment of H. рylori as a cause of gastritis and its complications are being widely discussed by the researchers, but opinions differ.
Objective. To establish the frequency of detecting H. pylori by fibrogastroscopy with antral biopsy sampling among middle-aged people as well as among both sexes and to present a clinical and endoscopic picture of gastritis, depending on the presence of H. pylori.
Materials and methods. Gastrofibroscopy with biopsy sampling of gastric mucosa was performed in 4,856 patients of different sex and age. The histological examination of the biopsy material was done to reveal the presence of H. рylori.
Results. The diagnostic examination revealed lesions of the gastric mucosa in 41% of middle-aged men and in 24.5% women of the same age. There were different clinical manifestations and pathological changes in the gastric mucosa in the presence of H. pylori and without it. H. pylori gastritis was found to occur more often than gastritis without this bacterium. The form of gastritis often depended on the presence of H. pylori.
Conclusion. When performing fibrogastroscopy, biopsy sampling of gastric mucosa is mandatory, because H. pylori is detected in patients of different sex and age, regardless of the presence or absence of visible gastric pathology. An independent, nonrandomized fibrogastroscopic study with biopsy sampling conducted in Kazakhstan among middleaged people showed that H. pylori gastritis was present in 41% males and 24.5% females with different forms of gastritis. In the presence of H. pylori, abnormal processes in the stomach occurred 10% more often than in subjects without H. pylori.


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How to Cite
Tabynbaev NB, Amanzholov BR, Ismailov AZ, Ualikhanov AT, Sarsebekov EK, Zhumagazin ZD. CLINICAL PICTURE OF GASTRITES ASSOCIATED WITH HELICOBACTER PYLORI. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.11 [cited 2024Jul.3];1(1):85-8. Available from:
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