• A. M. Shevyakova Department of Conflictology of St. Petersburg State University
  • I. G. Bakulin Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases, gastroenterology and dietology of the North-West State Medical University named after II. Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg
  • M. A. Shevyakov Department of Clinical Mycology, Allergology and Immunology North-West State Medical University named after II. Mechnikova, Saint-Petersburg
  • A. I. Strebkov Department of Conflictology of St. Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg
Keywords: conflict, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroenterology, negotiation techniques, conflict resistance


The article discusses doctor-patient conflict preventing techniques – an innovative direction in Russian gastroenterology. Irritable bowel syndrome is a typical proconflicogenic disease due to its onset and course. That is why it is a common reason of patient's distrust to the gastroenterologist recommendations. There is a number of psychological, social and legal consequences for the doctor in case of destructively closed conflicts with the patient.
The doctor have to possess conflictological skills and negotiation techniques to increases the likelihood of constructively resolved contradictions. The article describes psychological basics of the patient's aggressive behavior, explains possible interpretations and gives practical advices, how to formulate a conflict elimination response. There are also listed active listening, persuasion, conflict-free response to aggression, non-verbal influence on the interlocutor and dialogue management techniques. Moreover, some examples of conflicting doctor's statements are analyzed and constructive alternatives are recommended.


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How to Cite
Shevyakova AM, Bakulin IG, Shevyakov MA, Strebkov AI. IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME AS CONFLICTOGENIC FACTOR IN THE PRACTICE OF THE GASTROENTEROLOGIST. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.11 [cited 2024Jul.3];2(1):5-13. Available from:
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