• M. M. Karimov Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»
  • Zh. A. Ismailova Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»
  • G. N. Sobirova Educational Institution “Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education”, Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: Hеlicobacter pylori, dyspepsia, chronic gastritis


Background. Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic gastritis are considered as an important problem in the context of progression with the development of severe forms of pathology.
Objective – to еvaluate the conjugation of endoscopic and morphological data of the gastric mucosa in dyspepsia in the absence of erosive and ulcerative lesions in conscripts.
Materials and methods. 165 men aged 18-26 years from the number of regular servicemen from one of the garrisons of the military units of the Air Force and the air defense forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus with symptoms of dyspepsia, who underwent an endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract and a morphological study of the biopsy specimens of the stomach mucosa.
Results. Hеlicobacter pylori infection was detected in 61.2% (95% CI 53.6-68.3%) of patients; the frequency of the stomach corpus contamination was 37.0% (95% CI 29.9-44.6%), antrum – 60.0% (95% CI 52.4-67.2%), both divisions – 35.8% (95% CI 28.8-43.3%). Chronic gastritis occurred in 154 patients, of whom 103 (66.9%; 95% CI 59.1-73.8%) had antral gastritis and 51 (33.1%; 95% CI 26.2-40.9%) – pangastritis. In case of gastritis with atrophy (excluding the gastric department for localization of atrophy and Hеlicobacter pylori contamination), the frequency of infection (40.6%, 95% CI 25.5-57.7%) was lower in comparison with the group without atrophy (66.2%; 95% CI 57.8-73.7%; χ²=7.09, p=0.01). Conclusion. Among military men of urgent military service (men 18-26 years old) with symptoms of dyspepsia in the absence of erosive ulcers of the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, there is a high incidence of Hеlicobacter pylori infection (61.2%; 95% CI 53.6-68.3%) and chronic gastritis (93.3%; 95% CI 88.5-96.3%).


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How to Cite
Karimov MM, Ismailova ZA, Sobirova GN. HЕLICOBACTER PYLORI INFECTION AND CHRONIC GASTRITIS AMONG SOLDIERS OF SERVICE FOR A FIXED PERIOD. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.13 [cited 2025Mar.7];2(1):34-8. Available from:
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