Background. Additional research methods are being sought to diagnose spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP).
Objective – to clarify the diagnostic significance of methods of counting polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PNL) in the automatic hematological analyzer (AHA) and definitions of PNL by using indicator test strips for urine analysis to diagnose SBP.
Materials and methods. The study of ascitic fluid (AF) was conducted in 57 patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites. PNL counting is performed using microscopy of AF by the manual method, in AHA (6410К NIHON KOHDEN, Japan), PNL was determined with indicatory test strips for urine analysis (URIstik A10, China and Multi Тест10, Republic of Belarus).
Results. Method of PNL calculation for the diagnosis of SBP using AHA NIHON KOHDEN 6410К demonstrates a low sensitivity (50.0%). A strong statistically significant correlation (r=0.880, 95% CI 0.804-0.928, p<0.001) between the total number of leukocytes (TNL) calculated by AHA and the number of PNL (in 1 μl) calculated by manual microscopy was established. For the diagnosis of SBP, the determination of TNL in AF by AHA an optimal sensitivity (Se)/specificity (Sp) ratio had a cut-off point of 400 cells in 1 μl, the most accurate threshold level was 900 cells in 1 μl. In the study of PNL in AF by using test strips, an optimal threshold value for the ratio Se/Sp for test strips URIstik A10 was 2, for Multi Тест10 – 1; maximum diagnostic accuracy had a value >3 for both sets.
Conclusion. Diagnosis of SBP can be carried out in combination with the PNL calculation in microscopy with methods of the TNL counting in AHA and with the help of test strips.
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