• M. A. Mozheiko Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University»
  • N. I. Batvinkov Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University»
  • A. A. Sushko Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University»
  • E. V. Mogilevets Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University»
  • Y. S. Cropa Healthcare Institution «Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital»
  • A. O. Oleinik Healthcare Institution «Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital»
Keywords: esophagus, mediastinitis, pleural empyema, GEB


Background. The destructive processes of the esophageal wall are accompanied by the rapid development of the phlegmon of the neck, mediastinitis, empyema of the pleura, peritonitis and lead to a high lethality up to 20-85%. The results of treatment of this pathology depend on early diagnosis and early surgical treatment.
Objective. To analyze own 30-year data of treatment of various non-tumorous diseases of the esophagus, to introduce minimally invasive procedures on the esophagus and to improve the results of treatment. Materials and methods. In the clinic 881 patients with various non-tumorous pathology of the esophagus were treated. All the patients underwent general clinical examination, as well as special examinations (ultrasound, CT, MRI, fibro-esophagogastroscopy, X-ray of the esophagus).
Results. 314 patients (35,6%) were operated. 23 patients died. Postoperative mortality was 7,6%. The highest mortality was observed after esophagus injury (25,7%).
Conclusion. The main method of treatment of postostigial strictures of the esophagus, as well as cardiospasm is bouginage and cardiodilatation. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic and laparoscopic interventions on the esophagus with GEB and diverticulum of the esophagus, cardiopathy are low-traumatic and shorten the period of treatment of patients.


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How to Cite
Mozheiko MA, Batvinkov NI, Sushko AA, Mogilevets EV, Cropa YS, Oleinik AO. DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS OF NON-TUMOROUS GENESIS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.18 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(1):65-9. Available from:
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