• O. O Yanovich The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Minsk, Belarus
  • L. P. Titov The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Minsk, Belarus
  • M. V. Doroshko Medical center «Nordin», Minsk, Belarus
Keywords: H. pylori, genes, pathogenicity factors


Background. The clinical development of Helicobacter pylori infection depends on a very complex interaction of the host and pathogen. The progression of the disease is determined by various parameters, including the genetic predisposition of the host, the bacterial genotype and environmental factors The objective of the study was to evaluate the dupA and cagPAI genes H. pylori frequency in the biopsy of patients with helicobacteriosis.
Materials and methods. The dupA and cagPAI genotypes were evaluated by PCR in 99 H.pylori-positive patients.
Results. The dupA gene was detected in 35.4% samples and its frequency was significantly greater in patients with duodenal ulcer (p < 0.05). Cag-PAI genotype distribution was as follows: cagA - 63.6%, cagL - 53.5%, cagT - 57.6%, cagE - 29.3%. The analysis showed that the cag L, cagE and cagH gene weres significantly associated with an increased risk of duodenal ulcer; the ORs (95% CI) were 3.7 (1-14.8); 5.9 (1.5-23.3) и 6.8 (1.7-27.7), respectively.
Conclusion. H. pylori dupA, cagH, and cagE genotypes have a significant link with the presence of duodenal ulcer.


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How to Cite
Yanovich OO, Titov LP, Doroshko MV. DISTRIBUTION OF H.PYLORI PATHOGENITY FACTORS IN PATIENTS WITH GASTRODUODENAL DISEASES. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.19 [cited 2025Mar.7];2(2):177-81. Available from:
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