Keywords: pancreas, ductal cells, bile acids


The purpose of the review is to provide an analysis of current literature on the mechanisms of bile acids influence on pancreatic ductal cells. It has been shown that the effect of bile acids is specific and depends on their concentration. As evidenced by the results of experiments in vitro and in vivo, low concentrations of bile acids aided by intracellular mechanisms enhance the ductal secretion of HCO-3 and fluid. The increased volume of fluid can decrease the concentration of bile acids, wash them out of pancreatic ducts and prevent their effect on acinar cells. Perfusion with higher concentration of bile acids leads to the disruption of epithelial ductal barrier integrity. In ductal cells there can be observed a steady pathological rise of cytosolic Ca2+, mitochondrial damage, ATP depletion, block of basolateral and luminal transport mechanism of ions. It is assumed that under these conditions, bile acids can reach acinar cells and contribute to the development of acute biliary pancreatitis.


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How to Cite
Mozheiko LA. MECHANISMS OF BILE ACIDS ACTION ON PANCREATIC DUCTAL CELLS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Dec.17 [cited 2024Jul.3];3(2):135-9. Available from:
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