• L. A. Mozheiko Educational Institution “Grodno State Medical University”, Grodno, Belarus
Keywords: pancreas, heterogeneity, morphogenesis, endocrine islets, ductal system


In the process of development in humans and other mammals the relationship between the ductal system, the appearance of endocrine cells and formation of pancreatic islets are considered in detail. It is shown that structural and functional heterogeneity of the islets is connected with the peculiarities of their morphogenesis. The differences of localization, microarchitecture, blood supply and innervation of the islets, depending on the time and place of their appearance in the ductal system are demonstrated. So, from the proximal part of the ductal system of the pancreas the islets develop earlier. They are located in interlobular layers, form neuro-insular complexes and have insulo-venous blood supply, which is more typical for rodents. From the distal part of the ducts the islets develop with intralobular localization and insulo-acinar portal system blood supply, influencing the surrounding acini of the exocrine parenchyma. They predominate in humans and cattle.


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