Keywords: echinococcus, echinococcosis, echinococcal cyst, liver echinococcosis


Background. Liver echinococcosis is a parasitic liver disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus. The choice of surgical strategy for this pathology remains challenging. Objective. To analyze the received surgical outcomes in patients with liver echinococcosis. Material and methods. From 2012 to 2022, 27 patients with liver echinococcosis were treated in “Grodno University Clinic”. All patients underwent an extensive diagnostic evaluation that included a complex of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods as well as surgery. Results. All the patients underwent resections, including laparoscopic ones (25.9%). No post-operative complications and fatal outcomes were recorded. Conclusions. Patients with liver echinococcosis should be referred to specialized regional or republican hospitals. It is necessary that patients should undergo CT of the abdominal and chest cavities as well of the brain in search for additional foci. Preference should be given to minimally invasive surgical techniques. Negative serology test to echinococcosis does not rule out the presence of a parasite-induced lesions in a patient. The technique of total vascular isolation during surgery is preferable for resection of liver cysts with invasive growth into nearby large vessels.


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How to Cite
Shyla RS, Mogilevets EV, Belyuk KS, Zhuk IG, Soroka OS, Denischik AA. EXPERIENCE IN THE TREATMENT OF LIVER ECHINOCOCCOSIS. journalHandG [Internet]. 2023Jun.14 [cited 2024Jul.3];7(1):67-3. Available from:
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