Background: the evaluation of the functional state of the autonomic nervous system is important in the diagnosis of vegetative disorders. Vegetative reactivity and tone provide information on the homeostatic capabilities of the body; the vegetative support of activity provides information on adaptive mechanisms.
Objective: to assess the clinical significance of the vegetative status, as well as its relationship with the quality of life in patients with cholelithiasis at the outpatient stage before and after cholecystectomy in a city polyclinic.
Materials and methods: 136 patients were examined, of which 70 patients after cholecystectomy with CLS and 66 patients with SCI. The control group is 35 practically healthy people. The examination of the autonomic nervous system was carried out by examining the rhythm of the heart by the method of cardiointervalography with further mathematical analysis of the structure and variational pulsometry.
Results: For real vegetative dystonia, drug correction is required with the use of vegetotrophic drugs, normalizing vegetative reactivity. Conclusion: the study of vegetative maintenance is one of the most important conditions in predicting, diagnosing bile duct diseases, and also in choosing patients for treatment with TCH. Drug correction of the condition of the VNS should be considered as the most important condition for the successful rehabilitation of patients suffering from pathology of the biliary tract.
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