Background. Peritonization of wounds of parenchymal organs is essential in the prevention of postoperative complications. Traditional usage of omentum for this purpose has a number of significant drawbacks.
Objective. By methods of electron microscopy to evaluate the ultramicroscopic features of the liver in the area of closing its wound surface with an omentum and fluoroplast-4 with a modified surface (MF-4). Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out on white rats weighing 200-220 g, in whom marginal liver resection was performed. In the 1st group, the wound surface was closed with a strand of omentum on the vascular pedicle, in the 2nd group – by a flap of fluoroplast-4, the surface of which was modified by calcium chloride and a photosensitizer fotolon. Reaction of the liver was evaluated using electron microscopy with morphometry.
Results. It was found that when the wound of the liver was closed with an omentum and modified fluoroplast-4, similar changes developed at the submicroscopic level, which included both reparative and secretory reactions after surgery. This was manifested by the activation of the nuclear apparatus of hepatocytes and granular endoplasmic network, increased protein synthesis for their own cell needs as well as increased secretory activity of the Golgi complex. No significant structural changes in the mitochondria of hepatocytes and activation of collagen formation characteristic of fibrous and cirrhotic processes in the liver were revealed. Conclusion. The use of modified fluoroplast-4 does not cause destructive changes in the mitochondrial compartment of hepatocytes, which indicates the absence of local toxic effect.
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