Keywords: fluoroplast-4, plastic, liver, muscles, low-intensity laser radiation, connective tissue


Background. There exist strict requirements for polymer materials to be used for implantation into living organisms, thus, no substance lacking negative properties has been found yet. Various groups of polymers are currently under research, including fluorinated polytetrafluoroethylene families. Objective. To evaluate the peculiarities of morphological reactions that occur during implantation of Belarusian fluoroplast-4 into various tissues of experimental animals. Material and methods. The experiments were carried out on outbred white rats weighing 200-250 g, which were divided into four groups. In rats of the first group, a 5×10 mm liver wound was closed with a fluoroplast-4 fragment, in those of the second – with fluoroplast-4 modified by «Photolon» and calcium chloride, in those of the third - a flap of highly porous fluoroplast-4 was implanted into a 5×5×5 mm hip muscle defect, in those of the fourth - a flap of lowporous fluoroplast-4 was used. The morphology of surrounding tissues and that of an implant were studied at various points of time after surgery using light microscopy and morphometry. Results. Surgical trauma resulting from operation on various tissues followed by plasty using fluoroplast-4 activates a sequence of pathomorphological inflammatory-reparative processes, including three classical stages of inflammation and has a reversible character. Polymer materials act as a framework over which the synthetic material is both isolated by collagen fibers and integrated through the ingrowth of the latter into the pores of the polymer, resulting in the formation of a new connective tissue capsule. Conclusions. Fluorinated polymer materials originally manufactured in the Republic of Belarus are biocompatible polymers that can be used in functionally active areas.


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How to Cite
Кудло ВВ, Жук ИГ, Tsydik IS, Prokopchik NI. MORPHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FLUORINATED POLYMERS BIOINTEGRATION IN THE EXPERIMENT. journalHandG [Internet]. 2022Dec.13 [cited 2024Jul.3];6(2):99-104. Available from:
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