• V. M. Tsyrkunov Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University»
  • E. N. Krotkova Healthcare Institution «Grodno Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital»
Keywords: diseases of the liver, diagnosis, clinical examination, problems


Background. Illnesses of the liver of infectious and non-infectious genesis present a significant problem for the health of any region, due to the continued increase in morbidity and mortality. An unresolved issue is the timely diagnosis of early stages of liver disease and high mortality due to cirrhosis at the working age.
The objective of the study is to analyze the incidence of liver diseases of infectious and non-infectious genesis, to present the existing order and problematic issues in organizing medical care for patients with liver damage in Grodno region.
Materials and methods. The official data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, reports of the gastroenterological and infectious services of Grodno region for 2016-2017 are used. The materials were processed using the statistical package of the computer program Microsoft Excel. Results. The analysis of official statistical reporting on non-infectious liver diseases revealed its inconsistency with ICD-10 for a number of nosological forms, understating the incidence of alcoholic liver damage, inadequate coverage of patients with cirrhosis of the liver by clinical examination. Organized on the basis of the regional center of infectious pathology, the hepatological center provides highly qualified medical care to patients with liver damage of infectious and non-infectious genesis, significantly reduces the financial burden of related services - gastroenterological, therapeutic and others.
Conclusion. Official statistics on all diseases of the liver and biliary tract in the region requires detailed elaboration. To improve the quality of medical care for patients with non-infectious liver disease, it is necessary to extend the experience of the regional hepatology center. The creation of a single republican register of liver diseases will enable to have complete and objective information about the diseases of the liver and bile ducts of the entire population of the country.


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How to Cite
Tsyrkunov VM, Krotkova EN. PROBLEMATIC ISSUES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF DIAGNOSTICS AND PROPHYLAXIS OF LIVER DISEASES IN GRODNO REGION. journalHandG [Internet]. 2019Feb.19 [cited 2024Jul.3];2(2):129-37. Available from:
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