Background. Making treatment / prevention decisions in bleeding from gastroesophageal varices in patients with subhepatic portal hypertension remains challenging and thus requires further research. Objective. To perform a preliminary analysis of the outcomes of selective devascularization of the gastric fundus in patients with chronic pancreatitis and subhepatic portal hypertension. Material and methods. Selective devascularization of the gastric fundus was performed in five patients (3 men and 2 women) aged 23 to 54 with chronic recurrent pancreatitis and subhepatic portal hypertension. In 2 patients, Roux-en-Y cystojejunostomy for pancreatic pseudocyst was performed as the main treatment, and in 3 patients - Frey's surgery. Selective devascularization of the gastric fundus was adjuvant to a draining surgery or a resection-draining one. Results. All patients underwent surgery successfully. The duration of the operation (Me [min; max]) was 205 [190; 255] min. The time spent in the Department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care comprised 1 [1; 2] days. Postoperative follow-up of these patients over the period of 17 - 58 months detected no recurrence of bleeding from gastric varices. Endoscopy performed a year after revealed a decrease in the size of esophageal varices in all patients. Conclusions. The proposed technique of selective devascularization of the gastric fundus is substantiated by numerous studies of the variant anatomy of venous outflow from the spleen in extrahepatic portal hypertension. This technique is regarded as adjuvant to a draining surgery or a resection-draining one in patients with chronic pancreatitis and subhepatic portal hypertension performed to prevent bleeding from gastric fundus varices. There should be noted the reproducibility of this surgical intervention, its effectiveness and safety. Further research on the efficiency of the technique using randomized controlled trials is required.References
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